Former Group Members (and where they are now)
- Prof. Laszlo Baksay (deceased)
- Prof. Francisco Yumiceva (now at Northrop-Grumman)
- Dr. Ravindra Verma (2020-23), CMS ttgamma search, now at Helsinki Inst. of Physics
- Dr. Stefano Colafranceschi (2015-18), CMS GEM upgrade, now an assistant professor at Eastern Mennonite University
- Dr. Aiwu Zhang (2013-16), GEM R&D for EIC, formerly a research scientist at Brookhaven Nat'l Lab, now in industry
- Dr. Kondo Gnanvo (2007-11), GEM muon tomography, now a staff researcher at Jefferson Nat'l Lab
- Dr. Gyöngyi Baksay (Ph.D. '05)
- Dr. Vallary Bhopatkar (Ph.D. '17, formerly a post-doc with the ATLAS group at Argonne National Lab, now at Oklahoma State)
- Dr. Klaus Dehmelt (Ph.D. '06, formerly a tenured Research Scientist at SUNY Stony Brook, NY, now at T. Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Dr. Samir Guragain (Ph.D. '10, now a senior middleware engineer in Winston-Salem, NC)
- Dr. Himali Kalakhety (Ph.D. '14, now a Physics Instructor at Texas A&M)
- Dr. Mehdi Rahmani (Ph.D. '22, now a data scientist in private industry)
- Dr. Szabolcs Rembeczki (Ph.D. '09, now a software developer for Radar systems in Hungary)
M.S. (with thesis)
- Afrouz Ataei (M.S. '16)
- Bryant Benson (M.S. '11, Ph.D. '18 at UC Davis)
- Jerry Collins (M.S. '21, now an SE&I Ground Integration Engineer in the Vehicle Assembly Building at the Cape)
- Lenny Grasso (M.S. '12, now a contract administrator at Northrop Grumman; previously Physics Teacher at Eau Gallie HS)
- Richie Hoch (M.S. '09 in CS, now a software engineer with General Dynamics)
- Ankit Mohapatra (B.S. '14, scl 4.0, M.S. '15; now a web developer)
- Amilkar Quintero (M.S. '10, Ph.D. '16 at Kent State U. on the STAR experiment at BNL's RHIC; now a post-doc on EIC at Temple U., Philadelphia)
- Marion Ripert (M.S. '05, Ph.D. student in Acceler. Physics at Heidelberg U.)
- Jordan Robertson (M.S. '14, now a sys. admin. at NASA Goddard)
- Mike Staib (M.S. '12, Ph.D. '17 at Carnegie-Mellon, now with Intel Corp.)
- Mike Abercrombie (B.S. '11, Ph.D. '16 in physics at Washington U., St. Louis; now systems engineer at Boeing Space Surveillance Complex, Maui, Hawaii)
- Sarah Arends (B.S. '19, now an engineer at L3Harris)
- Will Bittner (B.S. '12, formerly a software developer with IBM in Cambridge, MA, deceased)
- Matt Bomberger (B.S. '19, now an electrical technician with Kling Corp.)
- Nico Braukman (B.S. '23, now a Ph.D. students at U. of Tennessee, Knoxville)
- Andy Capalbo (B.S. '23)
- Jacob Chesslo (B.S. '20)
- Robert Damadeo (B.S. '06, now a physicist with NASA contractor SSAI)
- Kim Day (B.S. '14, now an engineer at Google)
- Xenia Fave (B.S. '11 scl 4.0, Ph.D. '17 in Medical Physics at U. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX)
- Johanna-Laina Fischer (B.S. '12, Ph.D. at U. Penn)
- Miguel Gutierrez (B.S. '20, now Ph.D. student at U. Chicago)
- Jared Hadley (B.S. ‘21)
- Eric Hansen (B.S. '14, now an engineer at Northrop Grumman)
- Jared Hadley (B.S. '21, now an engineer in CA)
- Jennifer Helsby (B.S. '08 scl, Ph.D. in Astrophysics at U. Chicago)
- Jeremy Janney (B.S. '06, now an officer on nuclear submarines in the US Navy)
- Francisco Izquierdo Jimenez (B.S. ‘19)
- Georgia Karagiorgi (B.S. '04 scl, Ph.D. at MIT with experimental thesis on MiniBooNE at FNAL, now an associate prof. at Columbia U.)
- Shreeya Khanal (B.S. '14)
- Nick Leioatts (B.S. '09, Ph.D. '14 U. of Rochester in Biophysics, post-doc at Max-Planck Institut, Goettingen, Germany; now at Raytheon)
- Ian Leon (B.S. '23, now an engineer at Naval Air Systems Command)
- J. Ben Locke (B.S. '11 scl 4.0, formerly a software engineer with Harris Corp. in Melbourne)
- Angelo Lucciola (B.S. '18)
- Devon Madden (B.S. '21, now an M.S. student in Space Systems at Fl. Tech Spaceport Center)
- Jacqui Miksanek (B.S. '19)
- Alfred Menendez (B.S. '10)
- Nathan Mertins (B.S. '12, now a software engineer at B.A. Hamilton in Dayton, OH)
- Thomas Moschoutis (B.S. '05, formerly M.S. student in Quantum Physics at KTH University in Stockholm, Sweden)
- Omar Nour (B.S. '19)
- Zach Paul (B.S. '19)
- Rafael David Pena (B.S. '08, formerly with IT Dept., Intersil Corp.)
- Eric Pereira (B.S. '19, now an engineer with L3Harris)
- Mike Phipps (B.S. '14, Ph.D. in physics at U. Illinois, Urbana-Ch.)
- Julie Slanker (B.S. '05 scl, dual M.S. in Physics & Pol. Sci from Texas A&M; entrepreneur)
- Julian Spring (B.S. '06, Ph.D. student in particle physics at Boston U.)
- Arjun Trivedi (B.S. '04 in ECE, Ph.D. student in HEP at U. of South Carolina working on LHC experiment)
- Jessie Twigger (B.S. '14, now an engineer at Northrop-Grumman, Melbourne)
- Sara Walker (B.S. '05, Ph.D. in Astroparticle Physics at Dartmouth, post-doc at Georgia Tech, now an associate professor at Arizona State U.)
- Tommy Walker (B.S. '20, now a Physics teacher at Edgewood Jr/Sr High School on Merritt Island)
- Kimberly Walton (B.S. '14)
- Joey Weaterwax (B.S. '22)
- Michael Werbiskis (B.S. ‘21)
- Zach Wihela (B.S. '24)
- Akshath Wikramanayake (B.S. '19, now a M.S. student at LMU Munich)
- Samantha Wohlstadter (B.S. ‘21)
- Ryan Wojtyla (B.S. '19, now a computer scientist with US Navy)