Amazonian Widlife
The Amazon Forest is the most biodiverse region on earth. It covers more than six million square kilometres (roughly 60% the size of the USA) and spans nine South American countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru,Venezuela,Suriname and French Guiana).
It harbours at leat 40 000 different plants and 5526 vertebrate species.
Here are some pictures of the fauna and flora we encounter in our expeditions.

Boana appendiculata

Osteocephalus taurinus

Caligo eurilochus

Phoneutria fera

Agamia agami

Chloroceryle inda

Pteroglossus pluricinctus

Tigrisoma lineatum

Tityra cayana

Alouatta seniculus

Lagothrix lagothricha

Saimiri cassiquiarensis

Pteronura brasiliensis

Caiman yacare
Platemys platycephala

Enyalioides laticeps