CERN CMS experiment
Research Topics

This page contains information regarding specific research being done by the HEP group.

Igor Vodopianov 

Dr. Igor Vodopianov works with the preparation of Hadron Calorimeters of the CMS detector for taking data on proton collisions. This includes: monitoring of the detector performance, energy calibration, recognition and removal a noise signals, timing tuning, and optimization of data processing. This is performed by analysing data simulated with Monte Carlo technique, data collected in special beam tests, calibration data and data obtained during operation in the LHC beam. The output of this are: methods and algorithm, numbers (like calibration coefficients), software modules and personal participation in work with detector at CERN.

Brian Dorney

Graduate student Brian Dorney works with both the HCAL sub-collaboration and the B-Physics group.

In HCAL, Brian's research has been focused on attempting to calibrate three of the four portions of the Hadronic Calorimeter of the CMS detector. HCAL is trying to identify the W boson in the hadronic decay channel, and use the W's invariant mass as the constraint on their calibration for the detector. HCAL has concluded their preliminary study done with a small sample of Monte Carlo data, and they have found it may be feasible to completely calibrate the Hadron Barrel & Endcap sub-detectors and approximately two-thirds of the Forward Hadron sub-detector with the first 500/pb of 7 TeV data. They are awaiting production of large scale Monte Carlo data from the collaboration so that this work may continue. 

In B-Phyiscs, Brian is continuing the research of the group's former member Mike Ralich (now Dr. Ralich). Brian will work with the B-Physics group to adapt Mike's analysis to investigate the production of b/anti-b quarks at 7 TeV pp collisions. They plan on making a measurement of the angular correlations between b/anti-b quarks produced in pp collisions by studying the correlations between b-jets pairs in b-jet events. They will be using the first 1-10/pb of 7 TeV pp collision data for this study, and it will serve as test of the theory of Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics at the Next-to-Leading Order.

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