Olin Quad, Melbourne FL Campus

Statistical Models with Applications to Geoscience


In the Summer of 2024 the Departments of Mathematics & Systems Engineering and Ocean Engineering & Marine Sciences will host undergraduate students from around the US. For 8 weeks these students will participate in Statistical Models with Applications to Geoscience research program and learn the skills necessary for a successful scientific career.

Special seminars will be held to increase students' public speaking and presentation skills.

Special workshops will be held to develop, gain, and improve students' analytical thinking, data analysis, and coding skills.

Students will learn from experience about scientific research and how to apply their academic work to real-world problems.

Falcon 9 Launch next to SpaceX building

Objectives of the Statistical Models with Applications to Geoscience REU program:

  • Provide an enriched learning and research experience for undergraduate students.
  • Foster participation by women and underrepresented minorities in scientific research.
  • Recruit students with limited research experience and those from minority serving institutions.
  • Prepare students for careers in the expanding fields of statistics and data analysis.
  • Provide insights into self-discipline, team integration, and presentation of a scientific problem.
  • Create a positive impact, develop creativity and interest, and encourage the students to pursue advanced degrees beyond baccalaureate.
  • Develop competence and confidence in presenting scientific results in a public forum.
  • Provide community-building opportunities among the proposed REU interns, mentors, Florida Tech graduate students, and undergraduate students hosted by other REU sites at Florida Tech.


The 2024 Statistical Models with Applications to Geoscience REU Program will be:

From May 13 to July 6, 2024.

Program Information:

Housing is provided to the students free of charge in a dormitory room on Florida Tech campus.

Each participant will receive $5,700 over 8 weeks for Stipend + Meal allowance + Travel assistant: 

  • Weekly stipend of $600 for 8 weeks ($4,800 total) of the summer program.
  • Weekly meal allowance of $100 ($800 total).
  • Travel assistance ($100) to travel from the student's university or home city to Melbourne, Florida.

The student must be available for the entire 8 weeks of the program.

Travel allowances are also provided to students to present their summer research at a conference.

Student Eligibility

Participants must be undergraduate students enrolled in a degree program, preferably finishing their sophomore year.

Applications from traditionally underrepresented groups and community colleges are encouraged.

The program is limited to US citizens or green card holders, and students 18 years of age or older.



Intern and mentor funding provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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