Olin Quad, Melbourne FL Campus

Robert Weaver

Associate Professor


Dr. Weaver is an Associate Professor of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences. His research focuses on coastal eco-engineering and coastal hydrodynamics / storm surge inundation.  Dr. Weaver joined Florida Tech (2011) after working as a post-doctoral research assistant at UNC-CH Institute of Marine Sciences developing 2D/3D high resolution coastal models for predicting wave and storm surge, tracking particles (e.g. oil from Deepwater Horizon Blowout, oyster larvae). In 2013, he was instrumental in founding the Indian River Lagoon Research Institute at Florida Tech and initiated the Living Dock program. His current research includes real-time coastal modeling of waves and water levels, coastal flooding and transport, living shoreline/living dock design, and coastal eco-engineering.  Dr. Weaver trains the next generation of coastal engineering professionals to develop science-based engineering solutions to coastal challenges (e.g., habitat loss, sea level rise, coastal water quality, hurricanes and storm surge inundation).

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