Olin Quad, Melbourne FL Campus

Michael Splitt

Assistant Professor


As a research associate at the University of Oklahoma, he was a coordinator and/or mentor for the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program for several summers between 1991 and 1999. After transitioning to Florida Tech, he participated as a faculty member in summer Field Projects in the FIT Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences for both land and marine based programs between the years 2004 and 2011. The Field Projects was a capstone course for undergraduates that provided students with research experience including data collection, data analysis, and research presentations. He participates annually as a faculty member for the Florida Tech team in the National Forecast Contest (weather forecasting). He also participates on graduate student thesis (MS and PhD) committees. Prof. Splitt is currently receiving funding as a Co-PI on two FAA funded PEGASAS projects at Florida Tech that are focused on weather information access by pilots including the Augmented Weather Interfaces Project (AWIP) and the Helicopter Operations Weather Information (HOWI) project.

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