Olin Quad, Melbourne FL Campus

Nezamoddin N. Kachouie

Associate Professor


Dr. Kachouie is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology. With degrees in Electrical & Computer Engineering and Systems Design Engineering, he spent four years at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health to work in multidisciplinary research environments where he gained successful experience to address interdisciplinary problems in engineering, medicine, and biology. His research interest lies at the interface of statistical modeling, machine learning, pattern recognition, digital signal and image processing, biostatistics, and computer vision with applications to climate change, cancer research, and public health. He has more than 70 peer reviewed journal and conference publications. He has served as mentor and adviser for undergraduate and graduate students at Harvard and Florida Tech and has been working with undergraduate and graduate students since he has joined Florida Tech in 2012. More than 30 undergraduate students have performed research under his supervision and presented their work in annual Northrop Grumman Showcase. Dr. Kachouie helped with Florida Tech’s Biomath REU site as mentor from 2015 to 2017. Four of his PhD students have successfully completed their dissertation, graduated, and are working in academia. He has currently four PhD, two Masters, and two undergraduate students who are conducting research under his supervision.

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