The L3HIAI Identity Lab
Our Background
The Identity Lab (IDL) was established by the L3Harris Institute for Assured Information (L3HIAI) to advance holistic and unique trait representations of a human identity along with behavioral attributes in both cyber and physical domains. The HIAI Identity Lab is directed by Dr. Michael King and is executing a multi-year research and development portfolio of government and commercial contracts valued at $7.9M.
Research Areas
Face Recongition
When is the last time you interacted with face recognition (FR) software? It was probably more recently than you think! These days, our faces are "recognized" all the time: when opening a smart phone or boarding a plane or entering a theme park, to name a few. FR offers a quick and convenient authentication method - but it isn't perfect. Our research explores the factors that impact FR performance - from demographic identity to image quality.
Computational Psychology
This emerging field leverages computational techniques like machine learning and face analytics to better understand human cognition, behavior, and personality. Our research explores how personality traits can be automatically inferred from audiovisual data with techniques like face expression detection and body gesture recognition.
Cyber Identity
Let's face it - nearly everyone has some form of online presence, even if you aren't on social media! The ways we are represented and perceived in the digital space - either by our own construction or through data uploaded by others - forms our cyber identity. Our research explores how individuals can protect their privacy in the cyber sphere.
Research Partnerships
The IDL has established research partnerships with the following institutions:
- Auburn University, The McCrary Institute
- North Carolina A&T State University, The Center for Advanced Studies in Identity Science
- Rutgers University, Cognitive and Data Science Lab (CoDaS)
- University of Florida, Biometrics and Pattern Recognition Lab (BPRL)
- University of New Haven, National Security Research Lab
- University of North Carolina Wilmington, Inst. for Interdisciplinary Identity Sciences (I3S)
- University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, 3D Computer Vision Group
- University of Notre Dame, Computer Vision Research Lab (CVRL)
- University of Pennsylvania, The Linguistic Data Consortium