Select Published Works

Culture Portfolio

Organizational Cross-Cultural Competence: Approaches to Measurement.
This article presents the results of a study examining the viability of developing quantitative measures of cross-cultural competence as an emergent organizational-level construct using samples of military organizations over four studies
Van Driel, M., & Gabrenya, W.K. (2013). Organizational Cross-Cultural Competence: Approaches to Measurement. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44(6), 874-899.
Guided Mindfulness: A Self-Regulatory Approach to Experiential Learning of Complex Skills.
This paper is an introduction to guided mindfulness. Guided Mindfulness is a learning approach that aids in experiential learning by increasing a person's self-awareness, social awareness, situational awareness, sensemaking, and simulation.
Griffith, R.L., Steelman, L.A., Wildman, J.L., LeNoble, C. & Zhou, Z. (2016). Guided Mindfulness: A Self-Regulatory Approach to Experiential Learning of Complex Skills. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. DOI: 10.1080/146322X.2016.1166404
Looking Forward: Meeting the Global Need for Leaders through Guided Mindfulness.
The shortage of global leadership in a dynamic, complex environment calls for an innovative method of leadership development, which would be Guided Mindfulness.
Griffith, Sudduth, Flett, & Skiba (2014) Looking Forward: Meeting the Global Need for Leaders through Guided Mindfulness. In J.L. Wildman & R.L. Griffith, (Eds.). Leading Global Teams: Translating the Multidisciplinary Science to Practice. NY, New York. Springer Inc.
Global organizational psychology: Internationalizing the training curriculum.
This article examines the methodologies and best practices used in establishing an International I/O Psychology curriculum at the graduate level developed to train students to better understand and work within the complexities of the global business environment, and we provide specific advice for programs considering internationalization as well as lessons learned.
Griffith, R. L., Gabrenya, W., Steelman, L. A., Armon, B., Gitlin, B., & Kung, M. (2012). Global organizational psychology: Internationalizing the training curriculum. Psihologijske teme, 21(3), 383-398.
Internationalizing the curriculum in organizational psychology.
Internationalizing the Curriculum in Organizational Psychology incorporates the foremost thoughts on curriculum development of I/O and work psychology across the globe. With chapters covering topics ranging from scope of subject matter and content to global competencies, expert contributors provide insight into possible curriculum elements that are customizable to each institution.
Griffith, R. L., Thompson, L. F., & Armon, B. K. (Eds.). (2013). Internationalizing the curriculum in organizational psychology. Springer Science & Business Media.
Best practices for training intercultural competence in global organizations.
This chapter explains best practices for intercultural competence training in global organizations. In doing so, this chapter describes intercultural competence, exams contemporary intercultural competence training methods, and examines the importance of proper training assessment and how to apply it to intercultural competence training.
Wildman, J. L., Xavier, L. F., Tindall, M., & Salas, E. (2010). Best practices for training intercultural competence in global organizations. In K. Lundby & J. Jolton (Eds.), Going global: Practical applications and recommendations for HR and OD professions in the global workplace (pp. 250-294). New York: Routledge Academic.
Doing fieldwork: Six lessons and the ecology-theory-method loop.
This article discusses, explores, and provides valuable insights on doing cross-cultural fieldwork, and extends awareness on the importance of ensuring strong methodology when conducting cross-cultural studies.
Gabrenya, W. K. Jr. (2009). Doing fieldwork: Six lessons and the ecology-theory-method loop. Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin, 41-42, 20-27.
Understanding the Taiwan Indigenous psychology movement: A sociology of science approach.
The present article focused on the local relevance and Conditions of Work Paths and on the extent to which Taiwanese psychologists accept several components of the TIPM’s ideology.
Gabrenya, W. K., Jr., Kung, M.-C., & Chen, L.-Y. (2006).Understanding the Taiwan Indigenous psychology movement: A sociology of science approach. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 37(6), 597-622.
Guided Mindfulness: The new frontier to augmented learning
This paper discusses the use of Guided Mindfulness, a technology-assisted platform that optimizes experiential learning, in acquiring complex and technical skills in dynamic environments.
Quraishi, N., Moon, N. A., Rau, K., Ponce, L. P., Milosevic, M., Merlini, K., & Griffith, R. L. (2019, July). Guided mindfulness: new frontier to augmented learning. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 586-596). Springer, Cham.
The cultural intelligence scale: What does it measure?
The importance of Cross Cultural Competence (3C) calls for an evaluation of five measurement instruments. Since there were mixed findings regarding their psychometric properties, alternative approaches must be taken in assessing 3C.
Gabrenya, W.K., Jr., Trame, E., Van Driel, M., & Turner, S. The cultural intelligence scale: What does it measure? Paper presented at the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 11-16 July, 2010, Melbourne, Australia.
Strategic perspectives on developing language, regional, and cultural capabilities.
In order to succeed in the global setting, the U.S. Department of Defense must develop its foreign language, regional, and cultural capabilities through incorporating strategic initiatives.
McGinn, G.H., McDonald, D.M., Van Driel, M., & Hancock, P.A. (2008). Strategic perspectives on developing language, regional, and cultural capabilities. Paper presented at North Atlantic Treaty Organization Conference, 22- 24 April, 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Guided Mindfulness: Optimizing Experiential Learning of Complex Interpersonal Competencies. (White Paper)
This paper discusses Guided Mindfulness as a technology-assisted learning platform that uses artificial intelligence technology to assist users in experiential learning needs. By using artificial intelligence, this paper proposes filling the gaps in current experiential learning challenges. The Guided Mindfulness tool can be used to train complex competencies, beginning with a 360-competency assessment, continued by providing preparation prompts ahead of events and then providing reflection prompts afterward. Finally, GM ends with another 360 assessment to examine how much the user has learned throughout the process.
Guided Mindfulness: Optimizing Experiential Learning of Complex Interpersonal Competencies
This work introduces Guided Mindfulness (GM) as an experiential learning tool. The authors link mindfulness with experiential learning and discuss why GM is advantageous over traditional learning approaches and the role of self-regulation within GM.
Griffith, R. L., Steelman, L. A., Moon, N., al-Qallawi, S., & Quraishi, N. (2018, July). Guided mindfulness: optimizing experiential learning of complex interpersonal competencies. In International Conference on Augmented Cognition (pp. 205-213). Springer, Cham.
Understanding Project GLOBE: Exploratory scale reconstruction at an individual level.
The present study appraises the GLOBE study by examining the validity of its instruments at the individual level of analysis and performing second-order factor analyses to shed light on the controversy concerning appropriate theoretical and empirical dimensionality.
Gabrenya, W.K.,, Jr., Van Driel, M., & Fehir, S.M (2007). Understanding Project GLOBE: Exploratory scale reconstruction at an individual level. Presented paper at the 22nd annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists Conference, 26 - 29 April, 2007 in New York, NY.
Overcoming crisis: Building a resilient work culture in the era of COVID-19
Featured in SIOP’s TIP, this article reviews recent research to provide evidence-based practices to help organizations navigate crises.
Fedele, D., Blomstrom-Johnson, C., Jensen, S., Miller, R., Lor, K., and Wildman, J. (2022). Overcoming crisis: Building a resilient work culture in the era of COVID-19. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist (TIP).

Collaboration & Teams Portfolio

Leading global teams: Translating multidisciplinary science to practice.
This book details the psychological and social skills needed to meet the practical challenges associated with multicultural global teams, in addition to highlighting the various roles involved in leadership. It compiles research and practice to address the intricate issues that modern organizations face.
Wildman, J. L., & Griffith, R. L. (Eds.). (2014). Leading global teams: Translating multidisciplinary science to practice. Springer.
The internationalization of I-O Psychology: We’re not in Kansas anymore….
The purpose of this article is to speculate on the future of I/O Psychology in an international setting. Additionally, the benefits of internationalization are discussed.
Grifftith, R.L. & Wang, M. (2010). The internationalization of I-O Psychology: We’re not in Kansas anymore…. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, Vol.5, pp.41-45.
IACCP, the universe, and everything: Results of the membership survey, and some musing on organizational culture.
This book details the psychological and social skills needed to meet the practical challenges associated with multicultural global teams, in addition to highlighting the various roles involved in leadership. It compiles research and practice to address the intricate issues that modern organizations face.
Gabrenya, W. K. Jr. (2009). IACCP, the universe, and everything: Results of the membership survey, and some musing on organizational culture. Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin, 43, 13-22.
Towards a theoretical framework of intercultural collaboration.
Understanding multicultural collaborative units helps identify the impact that varying cultures have on collaboration. This paper underlines the situational, social and attitudinal ideas that influence the collaborative process in addition to how individuals use their cultural background to comprehend their surroundings.
Bedwell, W. L., Wildman, J. L., DiazGranados, D., Shuffler, M. L., Salas, E., & Burke, C. S. (2009). Towards a theoretical framework of intercultural collaboration. Modeling Intercultural Collaboration and Negotiation (MICON) Proceedings, 1-9.
Diagnosing friction points in multicultural team performance: A rationale and measurement approach.
Modern day teams consist of individuals that vary in cultural background which proposes certain challenges concerning the success of building and maintaining productive teams. Within multicultural team performance, it is valuable to identify the friction points and the important role it plays within a successful team.
Rosen, M. A., Wildman, J. L., Bedwell, W. L., Fritzsche, B., Salas, E., Burke, C. S. (2008). Diagnosing friction points in multicultural team performance: A rationale and measurement approach. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings, 52(11), 753-737.
Student teamwork during COVID-19: Challenges, changes, and consequences.
Collaborative teamwork was particularly susceptible to pandemic-related disruptions. This qualitative research highlights the challenges experienced by teams, changes to team processes and structure, and the consequences of disruptions on team outcomes.
Wildman, J. L., Nguyen, D. M., Duong, N. S., & Warren, C. (2021). Student teamwork during COVID-19: Challenges, changes, and consequences. Small Group Research.
Team self-maintenance during long-duration space exploration: a conceptual framework
This article develops a conceptual framework of team self-maintenance within long-duration space exploration including the primary inputs, processes, and outcomes involved. The authors identify well-being as a key outcome and identify several intervention points for enabling successful team self-maintenance.
Wildman, J. L., Fedele, D., Wilder, A., Curstin, M. T., & DiazGranados, D. (2022). Team self-maintenance during long-duration space exploration: a conceptual framework. Human Factors, DOI: 00187208221076185.