Culture Portfolio

At ICCM, we define culture as the shared values, norms, beliefs, assumptions, and systems of meaning held by members of any social collective.

Culture profoundly impacts how collectives behave and how we perceive the world around us, who we identify with, and how we think and act, and thus is a critical consideration in enabling organizational success. 

Highlighted current projects:

Johnson & Johnson

ICCM provides cultural advising to the J&J family of companies with the goal of improving the cultural integration of newly acquired organizations.

Guided Mindfulness

This project team is dedicated to improving the experiential learning of individuals through the concept of Guided Mindfulness (GM). Specifically, the ultimate goal of the project is to design a tool that leverages Artificial Intelligence to guide clients through the process of preparation and reflection around critical learning events in their professional lives.

Assessment Development

The assessment team creates, maintains, and implements assessments for ICCM clients, such as the Cross-Cultural Competence Navigator. Developed assessments are centered around ICCM's lines of effort: culture, teams and collaboration, and management practices.

IAAP ARTS Committee

The Advanced Research Training Seminar (ARTS) committee's role is to organize and support the ARTS program on behalf of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP). The committee chairs are Rich Griffith (ICCM) and Jeremy Lemoine (IAAP). Members of the committee are 2-3 Florida Tech students. ARTS 2022 is scheduled to take place in July 2022.

3C Navigator

The Cross-Cultural Competence Navigator (3C Navigator©) is a validated tool that assesses five success factors that predict an individual’s effectiveness in cross-cultural interactions. The scale is intended for two major uses: 1) as part of an assessment battery designed to select employees with strong cross-cultural competence or a promising capacity to develop such skills, and 2) as a self-diagnostic tool administered prior to cross-cultural competence training in order to highlight individual strengths and needs.

Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P) Toolkit

The WOP-P Toolkit is designed to help early-career or student WOP-Ps advocate for the field in countries where the field is lesser-known. The toolkit has materials that identify and translate the value of WOP-Ps and is intended for use by individuals and clients. The toolkit will be available for use online and aims to foster a community where IOs and WOP-Ps can overcome obstacles in advocating the field and themselves to a variety of stakeholders.

U.S. Department of Defense Online Training Development

ICCM was contracted to develop an online training to combat cyberbullying and sexual harassment within the Armed Forces. 

Cross-Cultural Competence in Teams: Validating the 3C Navigator

Using ICCM’s proprietary measure of cross-cultural competence (3C), the 3C Navigator, this research examines the role 3C plays in team functioning and performance to determine the ideal composition of 3C across team members. This research will have practical implications for the selection and development of culturally diverse teams. 

Current research:

  • A study that examines the relationship between cultural profiles and trust in organizations
  • Curating a special issue highlighting research concerning cross-cultural performance as a criterion for the International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management
  • A paper that examines cross-cultural research on trust violations at work