
Public Science Lectures

Ortega Lectureship

  • Spring 2024 - Nour E. Rawafi
    • Extreme Exploration: Going Above and Beyond in Unraveling
      the Mysteries of the Sun and its Environment
    • Dr. Nour E. Rawafi, Parker Solar Probe Project Scientist
      Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland, USA

  • Fall 2023 - Dan Werthimer 
    • Is Anybody Out There? The Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations
    • Dr. Dan Werthimer, Berkeley SETI Research Center Chief Scientist, SETI@home co-founder, CASPER Principal Investigator
      Astronomy Dept and Space Sciences Lab, University of California, Berkeley, USA

S3 Student Organization

The Ortega Observatory is home to the newly established Florida Tech student organization S3. With a focus on Space Sciences, the club consists of three committees: Student Astronomical Society (SAS), Society of Physics Students (SPS), and Students for Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS). For more information: https://linktr.ee/S3FLTech

Workshops and Other Projects:

  • Partnership with NASA/Kennedy Space Center to obtain new equipment (look for details in the near future!)
  • History of Space Art Collection: Collections of over 150 NASA printed images, cataloging the history of space photography.
  • 3D Printing Planet: Collaboration with CAMID to provide accessible learning of planetary bodies.
  • Teacher Summer Camp
  • Student Work Shops: Undergraduate Preparation for Graduate School
  • SEFS (Scientists in Every Florida School)

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Observatory Director

Dr. Luis Quiroga Nuñez, Director of Ortega Observatory, Assistant Professor in Astrophsyics
Email: lquiroganunez@fit.edu
Dr. Quiroga-Nuñez's Faculty Profile 


Space Science Research Professors

Dr. Howard Chen, Assistant Professor, Aerospace, Physics, & Space Sciences
Email: hchen@fit.edu
Dr. Chen's Faculty Profile 


Dr. Manasvi Lingam, Assistant Professor, Aerospace, Physics, & Space Sciences
Email: mlingam@fit.edu
Dr. Lingam's Faculty Profile 


Dr. David Harris, Assistant Professor, Aerospace, Physics, & Space Sciences
Email: dharris@fit.edu
Dr. Harris' Faculty Profile 


Dr. Csaba Palotai, Associate Professor, Physics & Space Sciences Program Chair, Aerospace, Physics, & Space Sciences
Email: cpalotai@fit.edu
Dr. Palotai's Faculty Profile 


Dr. Eric Perlman, Professor, Aerospace, Physics, & Space Sciences
Email: eperlman@fit.edu
Dr. Perlman's Faculty Profile 


Dr. Don Warren, Assistant Professor, Aerospace, Physics, & Space Sciences
Email: dwarren@fit.edu
Dr. Warren's Faculty Profile 



Ortega Assistants

Caldon Whyte, PhD in Space Sciences

Email: ctwhyte2021@my.fit.edu


Pramod Raghav Mulagala, PhD in Space Sciences

Email: pmulagala2022@my.fit.edu

(Personal/)Profile Website: Pramod Raghav Mulagala


Lauren Hoffman, PhD in Space Sciences

Email: lhoffman2022@my.fit.edu


Kate Helminiak, BS in Astronomy

Email: khelminiak2021@my.fit.edu


Serena DeCandia, MS in Space Education

Email: sdecandia2019@my.fit.edu


Emilio Lugo, BS in Astronomy and Astrophysics 

Email: elugo2022@my.fit.edu


Mahek Patel, BS in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Email: mahek2023@my.fit.edu


Gayathri Vinil, BS in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Email: gvinil2023@my.fit.edu


Damien Koon, BS in Physics

Email: dkoon2024@my.fit.edu


Krupa Pothiwala, BS in Astronomy

Email: kpothiwala2023@my.fit.edu


Matthew Riehle, BS in N/A

Email: mriehle2023@my.fit.edu


Adrianna Agustin, BS in N/A

Email: agustina2015@my.fit.edu