Book Chapters
1. Nijsure MP, Kishore V; Collagen-based Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications, Orthopedic Biomaterials (Springer), 187-224, 2017.
2. Kishore V, Alapan Y, Iyer R, Mclay R, Gurkan UA; Application of Hydrogels in Ocular Tissue Engineering, Gels Handbook: Fundamentals, Properties and Applications, Volume 2, 137-64, 2016.
Journal Publications
1. Bondugula MSR, Bocus KMA, Patrawalla NY, Kishore V, Reza MT, Pahinkar DG; Fabrication of yeast engineered porous 13X adsorbent layers for CO2 capture, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12(6), 114362, 2024.
2. Patrawalla NY, Liebendorfer K, Kishore V; An innovative 4D printing approach for fabrication of anisotropic collagen scaffolds, Biofabrication, 17(1), 015002, 2024.
3. Lin S, Patrawalla NY, Zhai Y, Dong P, Kishore V, Gu L; Computational and Experimental Characterization of Aligned Collagen Across Varied Crosslinking Degrees, 15(7), 851, Micromachines, 2024.
4. Patrawalla NY, Bock K, Liebendorfer, Kishore V; Decoupling the Effects of Collagen Alignment and Bioceramic Incorporation on Osteoblast Proliferation, Differentiation and Mineralization, Materials Today Communications, 38:108329, 2024.
5. Patrawalla NY, Raj R, Nazar V, Kishore V; Magnetic Alignment of Collagen: Principles, Methods, Applications, and Fiber Alignment Analyses, Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, doi: 10.1089/ten.TEB.2023.0222, 2024.
6. Albaqami M, Aguide B, Pourmostafa A, Ahmad M, Kishore V; Photobiomodulation effects of blue light on osteogenesis are induced by reactive oxygen species, Lasers in Medical Science, 39:5, 2023.
7. Patrawalla NY, Kajave NS, Albanna M, Kishore V; Collagen and Beyond: A Comprehensive Comparison of Human ECM Properties Derived from Various Tissue Sources for Regenerative Medicine Applications, Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 14(7), 363, 2023.
8. Saleh BM, Pourmostafa A, Patrawalla NY, Kishore V; Xeno-Free Biomimetic ECM Model for Investigation of Matrix Composition and Stiffness on Astrocyte Cell Response, Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 14(5), 256, 2023.
9. Ali S, Patrawalla N, Kajave NS, Kishore V; Species-Based Differences in Mechanical Properties, Cytocompatibility and Printability of Methacrylated Collagen Hydrogels, Biomacromolecules. 23 (12), 5137-5147, 2022.
10. Shokrollahi Y, Dong P, Gamage PT, Patrawalla N, Kishore V, Mozafari H, Gu L; Finite Element-Based Machine Learning Model for Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Composite Hydrogels, Applied Sciences, 12(21), 10835, 2022.
11. Patrawalla NY, Kajave NS, Kishore V; A Comparative Study of Bone Bioactivity and Osteogenic Potential of Different Bioceramics in Methacrylated Collagen Hydrogels, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 111(2), 224-233, 2022.
12. Sousa T, Kajave NS, Dong P, Gu L, Florczyk S, Kishore V; Optimization of Freeze-Fresh Methodology for 3D Printing of Microporous Collagen Constructs, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 9(5), 411-424, 2022.
13. Baltazar T, Kajave NS, Rodriguez M, Chakraborty S, JIang B, Skardal A, Kishore V, Pober J, Albanna M; Native human collagen type I provides a viable physiologically relevant alternative to xenogeneic sources for tissue engineering applications: a comparative in vitro and in vivo study, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B, 110(10), 2323-37, 2022.
14. Kajave NS, Schmitt T, Patrawalla NY, Kishore V; Design-Build-Validate Strategy to 3D Print Bioglass Gradients for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Enthesis Reconstruction, Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, 28(4), 158-167, 2022.
15. Somasekhar L, Huynh N, Vecheck A, Kishore V, Bashur CA, Mitra K; Three-dimensional Printing of Cell-Laden Microporous Constructs Using Blended Bioinks, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 110(3), 535-546, 2022.
16. Schmitt T, Katz N, Kishore V; A Feasibility Study on 3D Bioprinting of Microfat Constructs Towards Wound Healing Applications, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9:707098, 2021.
17. Kajave NS, Schmitt T, Nguyen TU, Gaharwar AK, Kishore V; Bioglass Incorporated Methacrylated Collagen Bioactive Ink for 3D Printing of Bone Tissue, Biomedical Materials, 16(3):035003, 2021.
18. Schmitt T, Kajave N, Cai H, Gu L, Albanna M, Kishore V; In Vitro Characterization of Xeno-free Clinically Relevant Human Collagen and Its Applicability in Cell-laden 3D Bioprinting, Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 35(8), 912-923, 2021.
19. Kajave N, Schmitt T, Nguyen TU, Kishore V; Dual Crosslinking Strategy to Generate Mechanically Viable Cell-laden Printable Constructs using Methacrylated Collagen Bioinks, Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 107:110290, 2020.
20. Nguyen TU, Watkins K, Kishore V; Photochemically Crosslinked Cell-laden Methacrylated Collagen Hydrogels with High Cell Viability and Functionality, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 107(7), 1541-50, 2019.
21. Nguyen TU, Shojaee M, Bashur CA, Kishore V; Electrochemical Fabrication of a Biomimetic Elastin-Containing Bi-layered Scaffold for Vascular Tissue Engineering, Biofabrication, 11(1): 015007, 2018.
22. Bridgeman CJ, Nguyen TU, Kishore V; Anticancer Efficacy of Tannic Acid is Dependent on the Stiffness of the Underlying Matrix, Journal of Biomaterial Science: Polymer Edition, 29(4), 412-27, 2018.
23. Nijsure MP, Pastakia M, Spano J, Fenn MB, Kishore V; Bioglass Incorporation Improves Mechanical Properties and Enhances Cell Mediated Mineralization on Electrochemically Aligned Collagen Threads, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 105A:2429-2440, 2017.
24. Kishore V, Iyer R, Frandsen A, Nguyen TU; In Vitro Characterization of Electrochemically Compacted Collagen Matrices for Corneal Applications, Biomedical Materials, 11(5):055008, 2016.
25. Nguyen TU, Bashur CA, Kishore V; Impact of elastin incorporation into electrochemically aligned collagen fibers on mechanical properties and smooth muscle cell phenotype, Biomedical Materials, 11(2):025008, 2016.
26. Liu G, Pastakia M, Fenn MB, Kishore V; Saos-2 cell-mediated mineralization on collagen gels: Effect of densification and bioglass incorporation, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 104(5), 1121-34, 2016.
27. Younesi M, Islam A, Kishore V, Panit S, Akkus O; Fabrication of compositionally and topographically complex robust tissue forms by 3D-electrochemical compaction of collagen, Biofabrication, 7(3):035001, 2015.
28. Younesi M, Islam A, Kishore V, Anderson J, Akkus O; Tenogenic Induction of Human MSCs by Anisotropically Aligned Collagen Biotextiles, Advanced Functional Materials, 24(36), 5762-70, 2014.
29. Reich M, Kishore V, Iglesias R, Akkus O; Genipin as a sporicidal agent for the treatment of cortical bone allografts, Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 28(9), 1336-42, 2014.
30. Uquillas JA, Kishore V, Akkus O; Optimized Crosslinking Elevates the Strength of Electrochemically Aligned Collagen to the Level of Tendons, Journal of Mechanical Behavior for Biomedical Materials, 15C, 176-189, 2012.
31. Sun X, Kishore V, Fites K, Akkus O; Osteoblasts Detect Extracellular Calcium Concentration Increase via Neomycin-Sensitive Calcium Channels, Bone, 51(5), 860-67, 2012.
32. Gurkan UA, Golden R, Kishore V, Riley CP, Adamec J, Akkus O; Immune and Inflammatory Pathways Are Involved in Inherent Bone Ossification, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 470(9), 2528-2540, 2012.
33. Gaharwar AK*, Kishore V *, Rivera C, Bullock W, Wu C-J, Akkus O, Schmidt G, Physically Crosslinked Nanocomposites from Silicate Crosslinked PEO: Mechanical Properties and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Macromolecular Biosciences, 12(6), 779-93, (*equal contribution), 2012.
34. Sun X, McLamore E, Kishore V, Fites K, Slipchenko M, Porterfield M, Akkus O; Mechanical Stretch Induced Calcium Efflux from Bone Cells Stimulates Osteoblasts, Bone, 50(3), 581-91, 2012.
35. Kishore V, Bullock W, Sun X, Van Dyke WS, Akkus O; Tenogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Induced by the Topography of Electrochemically Aligned Collagen Threads, Biomaterials, 33(7), 2137-2144, 2012.
36. Kishore V, Uquillas JA, Dubikovsky A, Alsheshabat M, Snyder P, Breur GJ, Akkus O; In Vivo Response to Electrochemically Aligned Collagen Bioscaffolds, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B, 100(2), 400-8, 2012.
37. Uquillas JA, Kishore V, Akkus O; Effects of Phosphate Buffered Saline Concentration and Incubation Time on the Mechanical and Structural Properties of Electrochemically Aligned Collagen Threads, Biomedical Materials, 6(3):035008, 2011.
38. Kishore V, Paderi JE, Akkus A, Smith KM, Balachandran D, Beaudoin S, Panitch A, Akkus O; Incorporation of a Decorin Biomimetic Enhances the Mechanical Properties of Electrochemically Aligned Collagen Threads, Acta Biomaterialia, 7(6), 2428-2436, 2011.
39. Gurkan UA, Kishore V, Condon KW, Bellido TM, Akkus O; A Scaffold-Free Multicellular Three-Dimensional In Vitro Model of Osteogenesis, Calcified Tissue International, 88(5), 388-401, 2011.
40. Kishore V, Eliason JF, Matthew HWT; Covalently Immobilized Glycosaminoglycans Enhance Megakaryocyte Expansion and Platelet Release, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 96(4), 682-692, 2011.
41. Gurkan UA, Cheng X*, Kishore V *, Uquillas JA, Akkus O; Comparison of Morphology, Orientation and Migration of Tendon Derived Fibroblasts and Bone Marrow Stromal Cells on Electrochemically Aligned Collagen Constructs, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 94(4), 1070-1079 (*equal contribution), 2010.