
Book Chapters

1. Nijsure MP, Kishore V; Collagen-based Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications, Orthopedic Biomaterials (Springer), 187-224, 2017.

2. Kishore V, Alapan Y, Iyer R, Mclay R, Gurkan UA; Application of Hydrogels in Ocular Tissue Engineering, Gels Handbook: Fundamentals, Properties and Applications, Volume 2, 137-64, 2016.

Journal Publications

1. Bondugula MSR, Bocus KMA, Patrawalla NY, Kishore V, Reza MT, Pahinkar DG; Fabrication of yeast engineered porous 13X adsorbent layers for CO2 capture, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12(6), 114362, 2024.

2. Patrawalla NY, Liebendorfer K, Kishore V; An innovative 4D printing approach for fabrication of anisotropic collagen scaffolds, Biofabrication, 17(1), 015002, 2024.  

3. Lin S, Patrawalla NY, Zhai Y, Dong P, Kishore V, Gu L; Computational and Experimental Characterization of Aligned Collagen Across Varied Crosslinking Degrees, 15(7), 851, Micromachines, 2024.

4. Patrawalla NY, Bock K, Liebendorfer, Kishore V; Decoupling the Effects of Collagen Alignment and Bioceramic Incorporation on Osteoblast Proliferation, Differentiation and Mineralization, Materials Today Communications, 38:108329, 2024.

5. Patrawalla NY, Raj R, Nazar V, Kishore V; Magnetic Alignment of Collagen: Principles, Methods, Applications, and Fiber Alignment Analyses, Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, doi: 10.1089/ten.TEB.2023.0222, 2024.

6. Albaqami M, Aguide B, Pourmostafa A, Ahmad M, Kishore V; Photobiomodulation effects of blue light on osteogenesis are induced by reactive oxygen species, Lasers in Medical Science, 39:5, 2023.

7. Patrawalla NY, Kajave NS, Albanna M, Kishore V; Collagen and Beyond: A Comprehensive Comparison of Human ECM Properties Derived from Various Tissue Sources for Regenerative Medicine Applications, Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 14(7), 363, 2023.

8. Saleh BM, Pourmostafa A, Patrawalla NY, Kishore V; Xeno-Free Biomimetic ECM Model for Investigation of Matrix Composition and Stiffness on Astrocyte Cell Response, Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 14(5), 256, 2023.

9. Ali S,  Patrawalla N, Kajave NS, Kishore V; Species-Based Differences in Mechanical Properties, Cytocompatibility and Printability of Methacrylated Collagen Hydrogels, Biomacromolecules. 23 (12), 5137-5147, 2022.

10. Shokrollahi Y, Dong P, Gamage PT, Patrawalla N, Kishore V, Mozafari H, Gu L; Finite Element-Based Machine Learning Model for Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Composite Hydrogels, Applied Sciences, 12(21), 10835, 2022.

11. Patrawalla NY, Kajave NS, Kishore VA Comparative Study of Bone Bioactivity and Osteogenic Potential of Different Bioceramics in Methacrylated Collagen Hydrogels, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 111(2), 224-233, 2022.

12. Sousa T, Kajave NS, Dong P, Gu L, Florczyk S, Kishore V; Optimization of Freeze-Fresh Methodology for 3D Printing of Microporous Collagen Constructs, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 9(5), 411-424, 2022.

13. Baltazar T, Kajave NS, Rodriguez M, Chakraborty S, JIang B, Skardal A, Kishore V, Pober J, Albanna M; Native human collagen type I provides a viable physiologically relevant alternative to xenogeneic sources for tissue engineering applications: a comparative in vitro and in vivo study, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B, 110(10), 2323-37, 2022.

14. Kajave NS, Schmitt T, Patrawalla NY, Kishore V; Design-Build-Validate Strategy to 3D Print Bioglass Gradients for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Enthesis Reconstruction, Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, 28(4), 158-167, 2022.

15. Somasekhar L, Huynh N, Vecheck A, Kishore V, Bashur CA, Mitra K; Three-dimensional Printing of Cell-Laden Microporous Constructs Using Blended Bioinks, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 110(3), 535-546, 2022.

16. Schmitt T, Katz N, Kishore V; A Feasibility Study on 3D Bioprinting of Microfat Constructs Towards Wound Healing Applications, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9:707098, 2021.

17. Kajave NS, Schmitt T, Nguyen TU, Gaharwar AK, Kishore V; Bioglass Incorporated Methacrylated Collagen Bioactive Ink for 3D Printing of Bone Tissue, Biomedical Materials, 16(3):035003, 2021.

18. Schmitt T, Kajave N, Cai H, Gu L, Albanna M, Kishore V; In Vitro Characterization of Xeno-free Clinically Relevant Human Collagen and Its Applicability in Cell-laden 3D Bioprinting, Journal of Biomaterial Applications, 35(8), 912-923, 2021.

19. Kajave N, Schmitt T, Nguyen TU, Kishore V; Dual Crosslinking Strategy to Generate Mechanically Viable Cell-laden Printable Constructs using Methacrylated Collagen Bioinks, Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 107:110290, 2020.

20. Nguyen TU, Watkins K, Kishore V; Photochemically Crosslinked Cell-laden Methacrylated Collagen Hydrogels with High Cell Viability and Functionality, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 107(7), 1541-50, 2019.

21.  Nguyen TU, Shojaee M, Bashur CA, Kishore V; Electrochemical Fabrication of a Biomimetic Elastin-Containing Bi-layered Scaffold for Vascular Tissue Engineering, Biofabrication, 11(1): 015007, 2018.

22. Bridgeman CJ, Nguyen TU, Kishore V; Anticancer Efficacy of Tannic Acid is Dependent on the Stiffness of the Underlying Matrix, Journal of Biomaterial Science: Polymer Edition, 29(4), 412-27, 2018.

23. Nijsure MP, Pastakia M, Spano J, Fenn MB, Kishore V; Bioglass Incorporation Improves Mechanical Properties and Enhances Cell Mediated Mineralization on Electrochemically Aligned Collagen Threads, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 105A:2429-2440, 2017. 

24. Kishore V, Iyer R, Frandsen A, Nguyen TU; In Vitro Characterization of Electrochemically Compacted Collagen Matrices for Corneal Applications, Biomedical Materials, 11(5):055008, 2016.

25. Nguyen TU, Bashur CA, Kishore V; Impact of elastin incorporation into electrochemically aligned collagen fibers on mechanical properties and smooth muscle cell phenotype, Biomedical Materials, 11(2):025008, 2016.

26. Liu G, Pastakia M, Fenn MB, Kishore V; Saos-2 cell-mediated mineralization on collagen gels: Effect of densification and bioglass incorporation, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 104(5), 1121-34, 2016.

27. Younesi M, Islam A, Kishore V, Panit S, Akkus O; Fabrication of compositionally and topographically complex robust tissue forms by 3D-electrochemical compaction of collagen, Biofabrication, 7(3):035001, 2015.

28. Younesi M, Islam A, Kishore V, Anderson J, Akkus O; Tenogenic Induction of Human MSCs by Anisotropically Aligned Collagen Biotextiles, Advanced Functional Materials, 24(36), 5762-70, 2014.

29. Reich M, Kishore V, Iglesias R, Akkus O; Genipin as a sporicidal agent for the treatment of cortical bone allografts, Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 28(9), 1336-42, 2014.

30. Uquillas JA, Kishore V, Akkus O; Optimized Crosslinking Elevates the Strength of Electrochemically Aligned Collagen to the Level of Tendons, Journal of Mechanical Behavior for Biomedical Materials, 15C, 176-189, 2012.

31. Sun X, Kishore V, Fites K, Akkus O; Osteoblasts Detect Extracellular Calcium Concentration Increase via Neomycin-Sensitive Calcium Channels, Bone, 51(5), 860-67, 2012.

32. Gurkan UA, Golden R, Kishore V, Riley CP, Adamec J, Akkus O; Immune and Inflammatory Pathways Are Involved in Inherent Bone Ossification, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 470(9), 2528-2540, 2012.

33. Gaharwar AK*, Kishore V *, Rivera C, Bullock W, Wu C-J, Akkus O, Schmidt G, Physically Crosslinked Nanocomposites from Silicate Crosslinked PEO: Mechanical Properties and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Macromolecular Biosciences, 12(6), 779-93, (*equal contribution), 2012.

34. Sun X, McLamore E, Kishore V, Fites K, Slipchenko M, Porterfield M, Akkus O; Mechanical Stretch Induced Calcium Efflux from Bone Cells Stimulates Osteoblasts, Bone, 50(3), 581-91, 2012.

35. Kishore V, Bullock W, Sun X, Van Dyke WS, Akkus O; Tenogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Induced by the Topography of Electrochemically Aligned Collagen Threads, Biomaterials, 33(7), 2137-2144, 2012.

36. Kishore V, Uquillas JA, Dubikovsky A, Alsheshabat M, Snyder P, Breur GJ, Akkus O; In Vivo Response to Electrochemically Aligned Collagen Bioscaffolds, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B, 100(2), 400-8, 2012.

37. Uquillas JA, Kishore V, Akkus O; Effects of Phosphate Buffered Saline Concentration and Incubation Time on the Mechanical and Structural Properties of Electrochemically Aligned Collagen Threads, Biomedical Materials, 6(3):035008, 2011.

38. Kishore V, Paderi JE, Akkus A, Smith KM, Balachandran D, Beaudoin S, Panitch A, Akkus O; Incorporation of a Decorin Biomimetic Enhances the Mechanical Properties of Electrochemically Aligned Collagen Threads, Acta Biomaterialia, 7(6), 2428-2436, 2011.

39. Gurkan UA, Kishore V, Condon KW, Bellido TM, Akkus O; A Scaffold-Free Multicellular Three-Dimensional In Vitro Model of Osteogenesis, Calcified Tissue International, 88(5), 388-401, 2011.

40. Kishore V, Eliason JF, Matthew HWT; Covalently Immobilized Glycosaminoglycans Enhance Megakaryocyte Expansion and Platelet Release, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 96(4), 682-692, 2011.

41. Gurkan UA, Cheng X*, Kishore V *, Uquillas JA, Akkus O; Comparison of Morphology, Orientation and Migration of Tendon Derived Fibroblasts and Bone Marrow Stromal Cells on Electrochemically Aligned Collagen Constructs, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 94(4), 1070-1079 (*equal contribution), 2010.