Student Coding

CRAFT Board:

  • Richard Addante (Psychology)
  • Venkat Keshav Chivukula (Biomedical Engineering)
  • Thomas Eskridge (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
  • Reza Jahanbakhshi (Aerospace Engineering)
  • Moti Mizrahi (Philosophy)
  • Jignya Patel (Business)
  • Roberto Peverati (Chemistry and Chemical Engineering)
  • Mine Subasi (Mathematics, Associate Provost for Academics) 
  • Robert Usselman (Chemistry and Chemical Engineering)
  • Ryan White (Mathematics and Systems Engineering)
  • Robert van Woesik (Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences)

Interested faculty:

  • Robert Usselman (CCE)
  • Roberto Peverati (CCE)
  • Ryan White (MSE)
  • Jim Brenner (CCE)
  • Howard Chen (APSS)
  • Naveed Mahmud (EECS)
  • Chelakara Subramanian (APSS)
  • Robert van Woesik (OEMS)
  • Reza Jahanbakhshi (APSS)
  • Pallav Ray (OEMS)
  • Donald Warren (APSS)
  • Kegang Wang (MCE)
  • Tom Eskridge (EECS)
  • Gary Zarillo (OEMS)
  • Chiradeep Sen (MCE)
  • Evan Smith (APSS)
  • Toufiq Reza (CCE)
  • Jian Du (MSE)
  • Nakin Suksawang (MCE)
  • Eraldo Ribeiro (EECS)
  • Georgios Anagnostopoulos (EECS)
  • Xianqi Li (MSE)
  • Siddhartha Bhattacharyya (EECS)
  • Alan Brown (CCE)
  • Pengfei Dong (CCE)
  • Linxia Gu (CCE)
  • Xiang He (MCE)
  • Nezamoddin Nezamoddini-Kachouie (MSE)
  • Richard Addante (Psychology)
  • Manasvi Lingam (APSS)
  • Debasis Mitra (EECS)
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