Outside view of The Center for Organizational Effectiveness
Small Boat Program

Florida Tech's small boat program consists of a fleet of pontoons, skiffs, medium-sized center consoles and personal water craft. Scheduling is accomplished on a first-come/first-served basis with priority given to faculty members for teaching and research use. Student use is reserved for graduate students only. Click on any picture to view details.

Boat Size Max Capacity
Pontoon #1 24' 12
Pontoon #2 18' 10
Boston Whaler #1 17' 4
Boston Whaler #2 17' 4
Robalo  21' 5


Pontoon #1

The 24' Sunset Bay pontoon is powered by a 90 horsepower Suzuki four stroke engine. It is equipped with mechanical steering, two deep cycle batteries, anchor/rode and all necessary safety gear. It's location in a wet slip at the anchorage property makes it a perfect platform for research and teaching activities in the inshore waters of the surrounding Indian River lagoon system. Although it does have a tandem axle galvanized trailer, it's use is reserved for special situations only. 

Maximum capacity = 12 persons.

Pontoon 1

Pontoon #2

The 18’ pontoon is powered by a  60 horsepower Suzuki engine. It is equipped with mechanical steering, a deep cycle battery, anchor/rode and all necessary safety gear. It's location in a wet slip at the anchorage property makes it a perfect platform for research and teaching activities in the inshore waters of the surrounding Indian River lagoon system.

Maximum capacity = 10 persons.

Boston Whaler #1

The 24' Sunset Bay pontoon is powered by a 90 horsepower Suzuki four stroke engine. It is equipped with mechanical steering, two deep cycle batteries, anchor/rode and all necessary safety gear. It's location in a wet slip at the anchorage property makes it a perfect platform for research and teaching activities in the inshore waters of the surrounding Indian River lagoon system. Although it does have a tandem axle galvanized trailer, it's use is reserved for special situations only. 

Maximum capacity = 4 persons.

Boston Whaler #2

The 17' Boston Whaler is powered by a 90 horsepower Evinrude ETEC two stroke engine. It is equipped with mechanical steering, a deep cycle battery, all necessary safety gear, anchor/rode and a galvanized single axle trailer. It is easily trailerable (2” ball), making it the perfect platform for use by small groups in protected and near coastal waters. 

Maximum capacity = 4 persons. 


The 21’ Robalo #1 is powered by a 150 horsepower Suzuki four stroke engine. It is equipped with mechanical steering, two deep cycle batteries, all necessary safety gear, anchor/rode and a tandem axle trailer. It is easily trailerable (2” ball), making it the perfect platform for use by small groups in protected and near coastal waters.

Maximum capacity = 5 persons.


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