Weekly Alignment Meeting minutes Oct 12, 2006 6-8pm CERN time ============================================================= CERN news from Oleg as received from Vladimir: ---------------------------------------------- Note, we will have bi-weekly meetings from now. Mostly working and taking data, many problems fixed, e.g. missing PX sensors in ME+1. Remaining problems: ME+1: R2 pt.1, Z2 pt.6, ME+2: Z1 pt 4&5, Z2 ME+3: Z1 pt. 2 & 3 (values 1.) because ME1 was shifted by 15mm in -x and sensors do not touch the Z-tube Armando & Jean-Pierre: cannot make correction to disk - leave as is... If we hadn't retracted Z-sensors with tape, we would've lost them again! Marcus: That's bad!! Dick will check with Armando to find out more about the details about the closing this time. Then "run it up the flagpole" if needed (Alain, Austin) Jim: missing DCOPS in r/o, are they damaged ?! He is not getting any responses back, ME+2: 2-3 missing, several stop after a few hours, some ports vanish and cannot be polled again. Is there power? No transfer DCOPS and no lasers either. No power on ME+4 ? Vladimir to investigate... B=0T data: yes, we got some for Analog and DCOPS. Also for B=2T but lost data for 10 hours. Data analysis: Oleg data results in 2 weeks from MTCC phase 2. Vladimir's direct report: ------------------------- Protected all Z1 sensors before closing with tape; all Z1 ok now. Difficult to remove, but ok; Problem w/ 3 Z1 due to 15mm shift To fix, stick some tape on Z-tube end to increase tube area and ensure contact b/w tube and Z-sensor rod. Q: do we need to change ends of Z-tubes? VS: Closing was done incorrectlyfor one disk; hence all the problems including broken DCOPS sensors. ME+4 analog was checked today and it works. VS claims all h/w is ok. Oleg: actually data for Inclinometer ok, Z1 1,3,5,6 ok, but pt.4,5 questionable. Transfer DCOPS's need checking ! VS will check by following OP and JB guidance. No adjustment of ME+1 lasers; ME+2 lasers adjusted to point closest to disk to compensate for disk bending. ME+3,+4 adjusted away from disks for compensation. ME+4 SLM 1-4 is very bad because of large light pointing in that direction. VS suggests to adjust transfer line in open position. B=2T up to this morning, B=3T noon, then B was turned off. COCOA analysis: --------------- Jim has reconstructed DCOPS center points from PG doc. See his web site. Dave to find out exact geometry of targets on DCOPS and TPs. Create an Excel spreadsheet and collect all that info in there! Start with authoritative list of sensor IDs (see Fl. Tech web page). Dave: Coded targets on chambers are on copper skin; chambers are not straight in z. We all agree that we will first focus on getting geometry and PG target info for the following SLM: ME+2 2-5 ! This has the best data quality for MTCC1. We will work out full geometry for this first SLM. Everybody will work together to push this into a first realistic COCOA fit for ME+2 2-5 as soon as possible. Oleg will look into strip displacements vs. alignment pins as it varies from chamber-to-chamber. Will report next time. Dave: Note that center of active ch. area of not radially in center b/w alignment pins (ok in phi)! Oleg: Bob Wands will need 6 weeks to do new FE analysis of ME; OP will find out if he can get support from FNAL within 1 week. On Review & Summary: -------------------- Official version will be on Monday; overall positive but we have received some guidance on certain issues.