EMU Hardware Alignment Meeting April 25, 2007 --------------------------------------------- Participants: Jim B., Oleg, Marcus, Samir, Jim P., Celso - On Marcus's talk about alignment "camp" at CERN in the summer: Jim P. and Oleg gave updates on their availabilities. Marcus updated his first slide accordingly. The issue of finding an office at CERN as a base for the alignment camp was discussed. Oleg suggested two "USCMS EMU offices" in Bldg.40: 3A-001 and 3A-002. Marcus will investigate with Tom Ferguson, Paul Padley and Valery if we can use those or some other office for the 4 weeks in the summer. - On Gyongyi's talk: Marcus gave the presentation on Gyongyi's behalf as she was out sick. Oleg asked about making the COCOA output for chamber centers and also the PG values available to other Muon people. Marcus answered that we could make a subset of the COCOA root file available. Also Alexei Safonov is getting a student involved (Dimitry) who will work on writing fit output and PG values to DB for Muon reco use. Jim P. commented that the ideal chamber positions in Oleg's PG Excel file that he is using disagress with nominal positions in CMSSW; in particular the z-coordinates. Oleg explained that the PG data is relative to the disk coordinate system, not CMS global, so this may account for those differences. - Other issues: Marcus will make an official request that at least one SLM on ME-2 and ME-3 be adjusted so that the laser beam hits all 10 DCOPS from both ends of the SLM.